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Weather Channel Founder To Retire–Called Global Warming A ‘Scam’


Weather Channel Founder To Retire–Called Global Warming A ‘Scam’ –Said Al Gore was full of it

John Coleman, a TV weatherman for more than 60 years, including the last 20 at KUSI Channel 9/51, has decided to retire.

The station planned to announce Coleman’s decision on its 6 p.m. news Thursday, at which time it would air a retrospective of his career.

Coleman, 79, currently is on vacation. He notified the station he is retiring immediately, so there will be no farewell appearance. Late in the afternoon, after the news broke of his decision, Coleman tweeted: “On the beach and I did it my way No speeches. Just out the door. LIG”

Known for his trademark “K-uuuuuuuuuuu-S-I” exclamation, Coleman wrote a farewell letter to his KUSI colleagues titled “THANK YOU AND GOOD BYE.” He wrote, in part, “now is the time for me to wind down the professional, working part of … my life and make the most of my private time in the years I have left.”

Read the full story:

3 thoughts on “Weather Channel Founder To Retire–Called Global Warming A ‘Scam’

  1. I get all of my science from TV weather reporters.

  2. After this extremely cold winter, what fool would believe the ‘hype’ about global warming?
    Its never been this cold.
    And if you’re just waking up, we had snow last nite on April 15.
    Global warming?

  3. Now it’s “Climate Change” and since the climate always changes the former “global warming” crowd (who in the 1970s were the “global cooling” crowd) can never be wrong. You see, the science is settled. The climate changes and that change is caused by mankind because we said so.

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