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Westwood NJ, the Westwood Regional School District is seeking input from the community as it embarks on the search for a new superintendent.
Serving Westwood and Washington Township, the district has launched an online survey this week, inviting parents, teachers, residents, and the general public to share their perspectives on the qualities and priorities they would like the new school system leader to address.
With approximately 2,800 students in the district, the search is underway to find a successor for Superintendent Jill Mortimer, set to retire in mid-2024. The survey will remain open until December 13, and the district has plans to organize an in-person forum to gather additional input.
Jill Mortimer, aged 55, announced her intention to retire in August, expressing her hope that the Board of Education would identify a suitable candidate by July 1 of the following year, ahead of the upcoming school year. She indicated a willingness to delay her departure if the search process extends beyond the initially anticipated timeline.
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