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Westwood Troop 350 Eagle Scout candidate AJ Greco completes his project in time for Veterans Day

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ, according to Westwood Mayor Ray Arroyo , “Troop 350 Eagle Scout candidate AJ Greco completed his project in time for Veterans Day. AJ had a vision, asked all the right questions in order to secure the governing body’s support, and he developed a strategic plan for fundraising and implementation. Then he followed through and delivered. What a wonderful tribute to our local veterans, executed by a young man with a plan!”

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“Earlier this year, after AJ ran his idea by me, I asked him to “make Westwood proud”. Without missing a beat he replied “I will.” His dad laughed, thinking it sounded cocky. I thought it sounded like the confident affirmation of a man intending to make good on a promise!
Mission accomplished!

Thank you AJ! And thank you to the men and women who don the uniform and pledge to support and defend the Constitution of the United States , even (especially) during the bitterly divided times in our nation’s history.

Their commitment inspired an aspiring Eagle Scout to acknowledge them. And to make Westwood as proud of him…as we are of them. Happy Veterans Day!”


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3 thoughts on “Westwood Troop 350 Eagle Scout candidate AJ Greco completes his project in time for Veterans Day

  1. We left donation on front porch Monday January 13, 2025. Has Troup 350, Eagle Scout received it? Thank you for letting me know.

  2. We left donation on front porch Monday January 13, 2025. Has Troup 350, Eagle Scout received it? Thank you for letting me know.

  3. We left donation on front porch Monday January 13, 2025. Has Troup 350, Eagle Scout received it? Thank you for letting me know.

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