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Who’s Funding Kaufman and Mahmoud’s Ridgewood Board of Education Campaign Signs?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, if you drive around the town, Kaufman and Mahmoud have campaign signs all over the public right of way (village property), which is not allowed as per the Village Code 190-122: B: 1: j.

It gets even more interesting when you look up their campaign committee or individual campaign filing at NJELEC. There is no filing for Kaufman and Mahmoud and they obviously collected money to pay for the signs? So who’s Funding Kaufman and Mahmoud’s Campaign Signs?

22 thoughts on “Who’s Funding Kaufman and Mahmoud’s Ridgewood Board of Education Campaign Signs?

  1. Slimy.

  2. I saw a couple of Kwak signs on Sunday but not in public spaces.

  3. Kaufman will find a lame excuse. He has a lame excuse for everything.

  4. They only have to file on specific dates.

  5. Kaufman is an abject failure

  6. Can you be more specific? I don’t see any of the candidates for BOE or the village on the NJ Elec website for 2021 yet. What is the timing, maybe they file after the election…. I don’t know.

  7. Again, Kaufman is unprepared and clueless. No surprise.

  8. Yup, Kaufman will find an excuse. Let me guess, ‘did not get mail on time’, ‘son’s friend needed help’, ‘someone painted something on his sidewalk’, the list goes on.

  9. Wylie Coyote at it again. He can’t even properly handle a campaign sign or basic book keeping.

  10. Also can they please move their signs out of the right of ways.
    Literally EVERY sign is in the public right of way. Like their desperate to have the signs seen.
    Now we see why.

  11. “Yup, Kaufman will find an excuse. Let me guess, ‘did not get mail on time’, ‘son’s friend needed help’, ‘someone painted something on his sidewalk’, the list goes on.“

    ….If you look back at the video from the last mtg u will see its the fault of everyone on the board but me….and on and on.

  12. Yeah they have to file on certain dates. That have already passed.

  13. He asks questions that indicate he hasn’t done any work and others at BOE meeting are trying to fill him in so that he doesn’t look like a complete idiot, just partial.

  14. Why does Mahmoud not attend BOE meetings? Did anyone find out why he is running again if he is not consistently able to attend?

  15. If they didn’t raise or spend money by the past deadlines, they didn’t have to disclose them by those deadlines.

  16. Good luck on tradition of excellence with these guys at the helm… zzz

  17. I thought Muhammad was a breath of fresh air when he was on the BOE. He asks good questions and pushes back.

  18. “breath of fresh air” 🙂 The only meetings Mahmoud attended were to ask for Eid holiday. He is completely unaware of current issues.

  19. Omg. Read a website.
    You have to file even if you spend nothing.
    He gives no F’s. He’s not even smart enough to know the rules.

  20. Mahmoud can be a Seinfeld episode where he does nothing or show up at zero meetings and somehow hope to get elected. That’s what happened when he was appointed. That night, he didn’t even show up.

  21. I have lived here for over 56 years
    This used to be a nice place
    Never saw a political sign
    then all the douchebags from NYC moved here with their bad habits
    take your signs and shove them

  22. I agree with the individual above. In the old days, the main political divisions was who lives on Eastside and who lives on West. The West was wealth and “it was just the ordinary people” on the other side. Every area in the town was redistricted so that neither the extremely under crowded Ridge and willard would not have to close. Instead they set up a system that closed a crowded Glen and bused them to hawes–the furtherest away they could go, moved Grove kids who were on the opposite side of the street into Somerville, moved the students across maple into Willard and Ridge. Thus this saved “the Upper side’s schools” and turned Ridgewood into a major bussing town. Later they closed many classes in BF because GW did not have the space or teachers for some of the classes offered in BF. Once, again, ‘Upper ridgewood” saved its school. Those were petty arguments and actions and now they’re not. No one got ‘Fired” over it, no one had friends put on huge political parties for them, everything was freely discussed. Compare the difference of a town whose candidates were basically locally supported and contributed to against the way ours is being handled now. Paul IS a good guy. He got himself mixed up with “POWER” which sounds so good to the candidate. Now he’s in so deep he couldn’t get out if he wanted. He could have been a good candidate but he preferred to follow the out-siders who have a future use for him and this position is the first step up.

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