>Women Gardeners of Ridgewood featured speaker Lynden B. Miller Public Garden Designer, Director of the Conservatory Garden in Central Park
Parks, Plants and People Women Gardener’s Event presented by the Women Gardeners of Ridgewood with featured speaker Lynden B. Miller Public Garden Designer, Director of the Conservatory Garden in Central Park and Author Please join us on: Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 12:30 PM (doors open at 12:00 noon) **book signing by featured speaker, Lynden B. Miller** **potting shed and unusual boutique sale** **beverages and dessert will be served** Location: The Westside Presbyterian Church 6 South Monroe St., Ridgewood, NJ Tickets:$20 prepaid, $25 day of event Prepaid Tickets: Make your check and mail (postmarked no later than 3/27) to: WGR, 504D Aspen Lane, Wyckoff, NJ 07481-1586 All Prepaid tickets will be at “will call” desk on April 7 www.womengardenersofridgewood.com Questions: 201-560-9977