BOE Meets on November 16 at 7:30 p.m.
The Ridgewood Board of Education will hold a Regular Public Meeting on Monday, November 16, 2015, at 7:30 p.m.
Click here to view the minutes of the October 19, 2015 Regular Public Meeting.
11.03.15: Board of Education Issues Statement on Contract Negotiations
Click here to read a November 2, 2015 statement by the Ridgewood Board of Education, “Negotiations Status Report.”
REA members did not listen to BOE
REA members did not listen to BOE
To the Editor:
As a regular attendee of the Board of Education meetings of late, I would like to express one fact that was missing from last week’s article that appeared on your front page (“Fact-finder returns in February,” Nov. 6, page A-1).
Your staff writer accurately reported the following: “… opening remarks were made; a couple of presentations took place; and then public comments opened up, with various members of the REA coming to the microphone to have their say.”
He then continued with, “After the public comments, Sheila Brogan, president of the board, read from a prepared statement, explaining that the talks between the REA and BOE had slowed once again…”
What your reporter failed to include in his article is that immediately after the REA chief negotiator made her comments at the microphone, all the REA members present exited the building. Ms. Brogan’s reading of the prepared statement was made to an intimate group of us after the throng of REA members left. The REA members did not even grant to a volunteer elected official, to whom they are asking a lot, the courtesy of listening to her. The board listened to them, but I can only guess that the REA felt not compelled to show the decency of listening in return.
Pick your statement: “Actions speak louder than words” or “Adults are to be role models for the younger people.”
Bob Hutton