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Swift Response to Vehicle Fire on Route 208 in Hawthorne

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Photos are from Hawthorne Ambulance Corps, Cara Carney, and Chester Organisciak

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, on June 28th, just after 11:30 am, the Hawthorne Fire Department swiftly responded to a reported vehicle fire on Route 208 North near Goffle Road. Upon arrival, firefighters found the vehicle fully engulfed in flames. Thanks to their quick and efficient action, the fire was extinguished within minutes.

We extend our gratitude to the Hawthorne Volunteer Ambulance Corps for their invaluable support over the past few days, particularly in the sweltering heat. Additionally, a big thank you to the Glen Rock Fire Department and Hawthorne Police for their assistance during this incident.

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6 thoughts on “Swift Response to Vehicle Fire on Route 208 in Hawthorne

  1. Resale value will be low on that vehicle.

  2. This is just an observation, but seemingly many of these vehicle and truck fires seem to occur under bridges. The run-of-the-mill car fire then becomes millions in damages.

    1. “This is just an observation, but seemingly many of these vehicle and truck fires seem to occur under bridges.”

      It’s never a good thing to burn your bridges.

      1. Especially over troubled water.

        1. I’m getting weary and feeling down just reading about it………………..

  3. That loan is definitely under water…………………….

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