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Christie’s Ebola Nurse Antagonist goes bike riding as DOD contradicts her!


Christie’s Ebola Nurse Antagonist goes bike riding as DOD contradicts her!
Oct. 30  2014
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

This lady is a real trip, Save Jerseyans!

I’ve spoken to the nurses in my life since Kaci “the Brat” Hickox‘s story went viral; not one of them thinks it’s unreasonable, after an extended journey to Africa interacting one-on-one with Ebola patients, for a health care worker to spend 3-weeks in a hospital (or at home) to guarantee that this deadly virus doesn’t spread.

It’s not hard for anyone who isn’t a narcissist to understand why.

After all, the CDC was EGREGIOUSLY wrong – time and time again – when it came to this disease (1) coming to America and (2) the risk to health care workers caring for the infected. Ebola isn’t 100% understood and the “experts” continue to contradict themselves; researchers disagree, for example, on a few key points including the all-important incubation period.

But then again, most of nurses in my life aren’t nasty liberals who care more about making political points than protecting the American people. Check out what she did today:

8 thoughts on “Christie’s Ebola Nurse Antagonist goes bike riding as DOD contradicts her!

  1. Ignorant politicans should not be making healthcare policy.

    1. and you know this because?????????????????????

  2. She should be locked up and forcibly isolated.
    We deserve the right to live away from these potential carriers.
    Don’t forget ‘typhoid mary’. It all starts with ONE infected person.

  3. Where is Ron Klain, the Ebola Czar? I think he misunderstood his job description and checked himself into quarantine.

  4. With a very infectious and potentially fatal disease, there is no reason to subject the public to her possibly infecting innocent people.
    If she falls off her bike, some innocent EMT or good Samaritan COULD become infected if she is sick.
    If you are a do-gooder and want to go play in Africa, then suffer the consequences of potential quarantine upon your return.
    My trips to these third world cesspools would be limited to reading national geographic magazine

  5. Lets not forget AIDS/HIV.
    The politically correct media chooses to ignore the facts and similarities, along with uncertainties about ‘transmission’.
    Another epidemic to thank Africa for.

  6. It is quite simply bizarre that Ebola very quickly fell into the political divide in how it should be managed.

  7. Anonymous:

    It is quite simply bizarre that Ebola very quickly fell into the political divide in how it should be managed.

    It’s not that bizarre due to our current political climate of political correctness.
    Also, since the country of origin isn’t predominantly Caucasian, any suggested remedy/isolation of them would be all over the Liberal left wing news as ‘racist’. (what a sad commentary of this PC BS)

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