the staff of the Ridgewood blog
New York NY , its been over a month and still no plausible explanation from the people counters of what happened with the inexplicable numbers in the Empire State.
Throughout the decade 2010-2019, the Census annual population tracker had New York LOSING about 1.3 million net residents to other states. Our friend Wendell Cox, one of the top demographers in the nation, reports that even the new city population numbers released by Census this week show a 90,000 reduction in New York City residents from 2019 to 2020.
The December 2020 Census first-estimate had New York state with a net loss of population since the 2010 Censes of some 40,000 population – very low, but not positive.
Yet the official 2020 Census head count released in April – which is used to determine the number of congressional seats awarded to each state, and has an impact on the amount of federal money each state receives – New York’s population out of no-where magically ROSE by 823,000 people, or 4.2 percent, compared with 2010.
So where did these extra 823,000 people suddenly come from? Every single other reliable measure of population changes has New York WAY down in residents. The IRS tax return data show big losses of tax filers. The U-Haul data show big outmigration. Shopping and other consumer spending data point to NY population losses.
One explanation came from the New York Times was that: “The pandemic brought out-of-state college students home to be counted at their parents’ house, and the presidential election generated so much enthusiasm in New York that it carried over to the census, inspiring a larger-than-expected response rate.” Maybe, but 800,000 people? BTW, every indication is that the pandemic caused hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers to leave the state, not enter it. So any re-estimate should have counted FEWER, not more New Yorkers.
These fishy Census numbers may have cost either Texas or Florida a congressional seat after reapportionment. This demands an explanation. If you can’t trust the Census, who in the government can you trust?
Nothing to see here…
… look over there, bad orange man.
You can’t trust the government. Census-wise, at the end of the day, all states will cheat. Best cheater wins!
Cuomo? Cooking the numbers? Never!
I still can’t get over the fact that our entertainment elites gave this bozo an Emmy. Same with Obozo and his Nobel Peace Prize, after which he re-signed a stricter Patriot Act into law and upped the drone strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.