July 27,2016
Ridgewood NJ, The Democratic National Convention has been the talk of the week and has dominated the news cycle. Top Democrats from around the nation have assembled to fall in line with their party and unite behind their nominee.
But where is Mr. Gottheimer?
For someone so active on social media, you would think that he would post something about the convention. Why is it such a mystery if he is there or not? He has never shied away from a good photo opportunity with Democrat officials. People deserve to know his reasoning for either being there or not.
The Convention has been the center of a great deal of controversy – from protests to the recent emails that show that the Democrat Party made sure that Hillary Clinton was chosen as their nominee. Perhaps Mr. Gottheimer does not want to be associated with that or maybe he does not want to speak out against his friend Hillary.
Trying to distance himself from his relations to the Clintons could be the driving force in this. Warren and Sussex Counties were the only places in the entire state that Hillary did not win in the New Jersey Primary. He could be using his relationship only when it benefits him, like at fundraisers, and avoid them when it hurts.
Mr. Gottheimer needs to address whether he is in Philadelphia or not. It is important for the people of the 5th District to know where he stands. Is he a part of a convention that has gravitated to the far left in adopting socialist policies, has failed to address the issue of Radical Islamic Terror, or has protested the very existence of Israel?
If Mr. Gottheimer is not currently in Philadelphia, or if he is not planning on attending at all, then he should clarify that point. Is it that he does not want to support his mentors Bill and Hillary? Are there parts of his own party that he is avoiding?
This little guy has gotten more attention…November is more than 3 months away..
Carpetbaggin’ Josh is busy attacking Garrett for his alleged anti-gay statements and palling around with Useless Tim Eustace. Garrett’s objection has been against establishment GOP from living large off donations like they were Democrats. While Josh was writing speeches for Mr. Clinton, some of the words that came out of the president’s mouth were the same as Garrett’s in support of traditional marriage. So what is it Josh? Were you for traditional marriage before you were against it?
Maybe Josh is at Paul Aronsohn’s house.