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Driver Transported to Valley Hospital After Vehicle careened off of Paramus Road into a Tree

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ,the male driver of a black colored Nissan Altima was transported to The Valley Hospital by a Paramus EMS ambulance following a late Thursday morning, 05/09, crash in which his vehicle careened off of Paramus Road northbound, up onto the lawn of a single family home, and slammed head on into a tree.

A hydraulic lift tow truck extricated the vehicle from its predicament and towed it from the scene. The driver reportedly swerved to avoid a small animal in the roadway Paramus Police and Paramus EMS responded to the incident.

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2 thoughts on “Driver Transported to Valley Hospital After Vehicle careened off of Paramus Road into a Tree

  1. I’m going to make a bet here that the driver is a student at BCC….some of those kids drive like morons on Paramus Road…

  2. Hit the small animal, save a car. People have lost their minds.

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