By Alyana Alfaro • 12/02/16 11:03am
Bergen County Superior Court Judge Bonnie Mizdol announced on Friday that no special prosecutor would be appointed to investigate the official misconduct complaint lodged by a private citizen against New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in relation to Bridgegate.
Bill Brennan, the citizen who requested the special prosecutor, said that one was needed due to the recusal of both Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir Grewal and US Attorney Chris Porrino on the case. Both men were appointed by Christie. Now, the first assistant prosecutor in Bergen County and the first assistant attorney general will investigate the complaint.
Unbelievable that the corrupt Record and its Dem cronies are still pushing this issue with their false righteous indignation, while they totally ignore the systemic blocking of traffic in NYC via a series of road closures, addition of bike lanes and pedestrian plazas and other efforts all designed with the EXPLICIT goal of making commuting in NYC more difficult in order to cause pain and harm to drivers so they will eventually become so disgusted that they will abandon their cars for public transportation.
This has been going on for YEARS since the Bloomberg administration and is continued by DeBlasio.
This directly impacts NJ residents.
This is roundly ignored by The Record – nice to see their is no bias in that publication…
But then again the Dems ignore the fact that NY has a VERY aggressive and friendly PRO-BUSINESS policy of generous tax incentives which are effectively bringing prosperity and jobs to NY, but would be roundly vilified if Governor Christie proposed them in NJ.