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“Let’s Just Kill ‘Homeland Security'” Already!



“Let’s Just Kill ‘Homeland Security'” Already!

Nick Gillespie|Feb. 25, 2015 2:07 pm

After you’ve read through Jesse Walker’s exclusive look at the much-hyped Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report of “sovereign citizens,” check out my argument for disbanding DHS altogether. Created in the “mad crush of panic, paranoia, and patriotic pants-wetting after the 9/11 attacks,” DHS oversees 22 agencies. It was a stupid idea from the beginning and it has continued to disappoint. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) regularly lists it as awful and ineffective at just about anything except wasting taxpayer dollars and surveys of federal employees document that even the Post Office has higher employee morale.

Absent legislative action, come Friday DHS will be unfunded due to an ongoing fight over Barack Obama’s executive action regarding illegal immigration. The Republican Congress is threatening to pull funding for the whole department and the Dems are (so far) standing firm in their threat to shut down the government.

In my latest Daily Beast column, I argue that scrapping over this small corner of DHS activities misses the bigger picture insight that the whole cabinet-level departmet should be chucked “into the dustbin.”

4 thoughts on ““Let’s Just Kill ‘Homeland Security'” Already!

  1. You mean removing my shoes does not protect us?

  2. It’s what almost always happens when a well-intentioned program starts, which in this case, was the result of the failures that led up to 9/11. Then politics and general government organizing f’s it all up. It’s no different from Social Security, the IRS, the VA, and the FCC. They all sound so necessary at inception, but once the human element gets involved, it becomes what we have seen.

  3. You got it Declan. Right on point.

  4. So you’re saying that Bush, a Republican President, with a Republican majority in the House and the Senate when this was proposed and passed, got caught up in the “mad crush of panic, paranoia, and patriotic pants-wetting after the 9/11 attacks,”

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