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>Many of the upper jobs at Village Hall pay significant more here than other nearby comparable towns



Photo by Boyd Loving

Many of the upper jobs at Village Hall pay significant more here than other nearby comparable towns

Police are a union contract and cannot currently be renegotiated I’m pretty sure.

They do make more here though than say in HHK- officers over there that we know have told me so.

But many of the upper jobs at VH do not involve a union contract, yet they pay signif. more here than other nearby comparable towns. By “comparable” I mean size and/or population.

Is job of Clerk here really so much more difficult to justify paying $110,740 when Mahwah pays theirs $67,940? That’s one of many examples. Assessor, Tax Collector, and numerous others all seem to pay a lot more here than in other towns. Most also have assistants or deputies.. both here and in other towns.

Figures do not include perks, pensions, benefits, etc. And those are 2010 figures — the most recent ones on that site I think.

In the above example, per last census, Mahwah has slightly more people than Village has. It of course does have a much larger land area.

Yet… aren’t the duties pretty much the same? Does the work here require a lot more time, skills and/or other things than it does in other nearby towns for those kinds of jobs? If so, what are they?

Or are we just paying a lot more than other towns for many of these jobs? What do we get in terms of added value for all the added money that is spent?

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