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New CDC Mask Recommendations: Admission that Vaccines Don’t Work ?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, despite the data and the real science  the Centers for Disease Control recommends that anyone living in a county considered at substantial or high risk for the spread of COVID-19 should wear a mask in public indoor spaces, even if they are vaccinated. These are the counties at substantial or high risk in New Jersey. “It Makes No Sense and the Science Doesn’t Support It” Dr. Paul on New Mask Mandates July 29, 2021

face mask provides protection to those around you, as well as yourself. Face masks act as barriers for respiratory droplets. Whether you’re coughing and the droplets catch in the inside of your own mask, or if you’re near to someone else coughing and their droplets hit the outside of your mask – it protects both people. Encouraging mask wearing to those who have been vaccinated is admitting the vaccines don’t work .


July 26

July 27

July 30

Affected counties per day 6 8 10
Atlantic Substantial Substantial Substantial
Bergen Moderate Substantial Substantial
Burlington Moderate Substantial Substantial
Camden Moderate Moderate Moderate
Cape May Moderate  Moderate  Moderate 
Cumberland Moderate  Low Low
Essex Substantial Substantial Substantial
Gloucester Moderate  Moderate  Substantial
Hudson Moderate  Moderate  Moderate 
Hunterdon Moderate Moderate Moderate
Mercer Moderate  Moderate  Moderate 
Middlesex Substantial Substantial Substantial
Monmouth High High High
Morris Moderate  Moderate Moderate
Ocean Substantial Substantial Substantial
Passaic Substantial Moderate  Moderate
Salem Moderate Moderate Moderate
Somerset Moderate Moderate Substantial
Sussex Moderate Moderate Moderate
Union Moderate Substantial Substantial
Warren Moderate Moderate Moderate

8 thoughts on “New CDC Mask Recommendations: Admission that Vaccines Don’t Work ?

  1. Agree. I’m all for protection of anything, but we’e been vaccinated against flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, chicken pox, whooping cough,….where were the masks? .. and a ton of other deadly diseases.

    What’s the point of the vaccine then?That you “still may get it”?
    Well, everyone knows nothing is 100% 100% of the time. That’s not only science, that’s common sense.

    I recall my doctor telling me….”but there’s always the chance you could still get pregnant” when I went on birth control. And I made my own decision then. So why do we need to keep masks on again? I’m not downplaying the danger of this virus, but we’ve done what we had to do, and “followed instructions”

    IFFFFFFF you know FOR SURE you are going to contract anything anywhere, then you wear a gas mask too if you think you should, but a “mandate”?

    Does everyone know what a mandate is? Mandato, mandar….. It’s latin for
    “I tell you what to do when and where when I tell you to do it”

    I don’t think so. That’s works in places like Cuba and other communist countries. That’s how they live. Don’t step out of line either!

    This is the United States of America where you do the best you can as a law abiding and responsible citizen, but YOU make decisions for yourself.

    We’ve come too far from the beginning of this virus where all masks were up and people died by the tons.
    TY Governor Murphy and Cuomo for sending back covid positive patients to nursing homes. It went through like a wave! My mom’s in a facility so let’s not preach on masks. I saw it.

    So in as much as I try to stay away from this very controversial topic of discussion, I won’t live in a country where I’m “told” what to do, like it or not.

    As my mom will say, “yo me fui de Cuba para poder hablar”. And that applies to other areas of life where individuals make individual choices.

  2. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do mean but everyone needs to wash their hands many times a day. And not because of Covid just because of all the other damn germs.

  3. Masks are TOTALLY ineffective.

    But let’s keep the COVID fear and Hygiene Theater alive.
    It serves out political purposes.

  4. Look at all the thumbs down, lots of sheep in ridgewood.

  5. The vaccines work.
    The states with lowest vaccination rates have highest infections

  6. I don’t know who to trust anymore, when we listen to the doctors, the politicians, the scientist, who.

  7. No one really knows. Just count your blessings

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