Does Anyone Really Care if we Tortured Terrorists to Save Lives?
Posted on December 9, 2014. Tags: Al Qaeda, Colin Powell, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, torture
When I first read the headlines I thought, how awful! Then I realized the it said Terrorists not Tourists.
My bad.
Having visited the London Dungeon a few years ago, I would have really loved to have seen some of the implements of torture used on people like Bin Laden or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Bamboo under the fingernails is too good for these murderers.
Now if the war with Al Qaeda were with a country that had signed the Geneva Convention and mutual safety of prisoners was an issue, I would say lock them up, feed them and treat them with respect.
But when wars are fought against terrorists, then they are not really wars. How we treat our prisoners does not reflect on how our prisoners are treated. Sometimes the fear of torture is enough to make a prisoner talk. That is now off the table now that the Democrats have released a document claiming we mistreated prisoners under George W. Bush. (And it is funny that the only one the document didn’t blame was Colin Powell. Imagine that.)
If you are squeamish you may want to turn your eyes away as you read this.
We deprived them of sleep and tightly controlled their food intake.
And the lefties go wild!!!!
Seriously, guys. Beat the crap out of them for any information you can get and then shoot them in the head.
And while you are torturing these people, it wouldn’t hurt to hang a picture or two on the wall of beheaded Americans and Christian children at the hands of these inhuman creatures.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are laughing so hard they are wetting their pants. Sad thing is, some of those on the left would consider that torture as well.
No mercy.