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Levin: ‘Radical Muslim Extremists, Muslim Terrorists, Muslim Jihadis Are Like the Nazis’

New York Yankees v Boston Red Sox

By Michael Morris | August 26, 2015 | 1:07 PM EDT

Nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin called out ESPN on his radio show Tuesday for not providing an explanation as to why Curt Schilling was pulled from the coverage of the Little League World Series.

According to Sporting News, Curt Schilling, former MLB All-Star, was pulled from covering “the Little League World Series following a controversial tweet comparing Muslim Extremists to german Nazis.”

“Now, why would he be suspended for this?” asked Levin. “Are there Muslim groups or Muslims who disagree with Curt Schilling? Are they defending the terrorists, their conduct, their slaughter of other Muslims and their slaughter of Christians, Yazidees and Kurds and Jews? What exactly is the protest here?

Earlier in the show Levin had the following to say about Radical Muslim Extremists: “Radical Muslim Extremists, Muslim Terrorists, Muslim Jihadis are like the Nazis. They say things like the Nazis. They do things like the Nazis. It’s controversial to point that out?”

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Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit



Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit

By Geoff Earle

February 18, 2015 | 10:37pm

WASHINGTON — They’re burning and beheading victims in the name of Islam, but President Obama delivered a major speech Wednesday on combating violent extremism — while refusing to use the words “Muslim terrorists.”

“No religion is responsible for terrorism — people are responsible for violence and terrorism,” Obama told a crowd that included Muslim community leaders at the White House.

Following months of unrelenting atrocities by ISIS killers who released videos of themselves beheading US journalists and, most recently, 21 Coptic Christians, and burning a man alive, the president kowtowed to the audience by proclaiming that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

“Generations of Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and build up America,” he said.

“The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America’s first mosque — this was an interesting fact — was in North Dakota.”