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Rep. Scott Garrett , “My top priority is the safety and security of the American people”

Scott Garrett Parkway Elementary School in Paramus

Rep. Scott Garrett enjoyed his recent visit to Parkway Elementary School in Paramus to discuss his job as a Congressman with the 4th grade class. As you can see by the picture, they had a lot of great questions!

Rep. Scott Garrett , “My top priority is the safety and security of the American people”Garrett Statement on the American SAFE Act

Nov 19, 2015

Ridgewood NJ, Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05) issued the following statement after voting in support of H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act.

“My top priority is the safety and security of the American people, and last week’s horrific attacks on Paris are a stark reminder that our enemies are willing to impersonate refugees and go to great lengths to commit acts of terror. Today the House voted to pause our refugee program until we can fully examine our vetting process to ensure that every refugee admitted to the United States does not pose a threat to our nation. The Syrian people seeking refuge need the continued support of the international community, and we must continue to work on a balance between helping these people and our national security.  The United States is, and will continue to be, a world leader in humanitarian aid operations, and those who are suffering from unspeakable horrors at the hands of oppressors will always have our support while we work diligently to advance policies that protect our country.”