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Murphy Energy Mandates , “nothing short of a man-made economic disaster”

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NJ Manufacturers Will Be Hard Hit by Shocking Energy Mandates

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in less than 90 days, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is expected to enact new rules that could cost manufacturers, businesses, public schools, and apartment complexes millions of dollars to convert boiler systems to electric.

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It is time to make the Trenton bridge mean something again: ‘Trenton Makes, The World Takes’


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The state’s bipartisan legislative manufacturing caucus held a virtual round table discussion today on the impact of the coronavirus on business, and challenges manufacturers face as the economy opens up.

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No surprise NJ has built in automatic tax hikes! Here’s how it affects you, and how to stop it

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridggewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  In a new GOP web ad released today, Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco explains how New Jersey’s progressive income tax brackets are reducing wages even when people receive cost-of-living raises.

WATCH: No surprise NJ has built in automatic tax hikes! Here’s how it affects you, and how to stop it.

“When income tax brackets are very close together, pay raises push taxpayers into a higher bracket even though they really aren’t wealthy,” said Bucco (R-Morris). “This can be costly for people and their families who rely on every dollar they earn.”

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