April 25,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Shock and dismay as Bruce Jenner Comes Out as a ‘Conservative Republican’ and ‘Christian’
In an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC Friday, Bruce Jenner said he is transgender, and more shockingly a Republican. and not just a any Republican a Conservative Republican . He even went as far as to say he was a Christian. “This is why God put me on this earth… to deal with this issue.” Sawyyer was stunned .
“Are you a Republican?” Sawyer asked. Jenner Replied “Yeah, is that a bad thing?” Jenner replied. “I believe in the Constitution.”, clearly another strike against him .
Jenner was immediately blasted on line by open minded ” Liberals” , ” Frankly we thought Diane Sawyer’s head was going to explode.