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Darius Mayfield, Republican Congressional candidate for the 12th district of New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

East Brunswick NJ, Darius Mayfield is out of our district but he is a great guy and a great campaigner .

With only a day left of early voting ahead of the November 8th midterm election, Darius Mayfield, Republican Congressional candidate for the 12 th district of New Jersey, asked residents for their vote to help put an end to the Democrats’ destructive economic and social policies.

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Mercer County GOP Overwhelmingly Chooses Darius Mayfield for Congress

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

East Brunswick NJ , Darius Mayfield was overwhelmingly chosen by the Mercer County GOP to represent them in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional district. This nomination is further proof that our current leadership is broken, and people are ready for change. Honored to earn the support of the Mercer County GOP, it fills Darius’s heart that he has the support, not only on a grassroots level, but also the support of the establishment.

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Cleanup the 4th Ward of Paterson Event Big Success

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paterson NJ, on Sunday September 27th, Congressional Candidate Billy Prempeh , NJ Women For Trump , Darius Mayfield ,  Jarrett Branch ,Assistant State Director at BLEXIT New Jersey and Barbara from Harlem, meet with volunteers from all over the state to clean up Wrigley Park  in Paterson on Rosa Parks Blvd and the surrounding area. According to  Billy Prempeh , “The police came out to support us and they loved what we were doing. However, the do nothing cabal of Paterson sent the DPW to shut us down! Apparently we need a permit to cleanup the neighborhood!”

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