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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Singh Says He is Running to Fix the Election System not Support Fraud


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Linwood NJ,  The New Jersey Democratic State Committee and its Chairman John Currie want me to declare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the President-elect and Vice President-elect respectively. I have some news for them.

Continue reading GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Singh Says He is Running to Fix the Election System not Support Fraud

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules Dead People Do Not Have a Right to Vote

old paramus reformed church

June 13,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC , The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the state of Ohio Monday upholding its practice of purging people from registration rolls if they fail to vote. In a 5-4 decision, in a case know as Husted v. A. Philip Randolph the court ruled Ohio could continue to remove individuals from voter rolls if they had not voted in two federal elections and have not responded to a confirmation notice or updated their registration.

The plaintiffs in the case, Husted v A. Philip Randolph Institute, argued the Ohio law violated the National Voter Registration Act – that “just as you have a right to vote, you have a right not to vote” – claiming the state’s purges risk disenfranchising eligible voters.

Voter rolls have been a point of contention for years .Many critics claim inactive voter rolls create opportunity for voter fraud .

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Reader says Mr. Sedon is not the only wronged party. This was an act against our community, against our clean election system.



file photo by Boyd Loving

Reader says Mr. Sedon is not the only wronged party. This was an act against our community, against our clean election system.

The village should initiate an investigation immediately.

This crime was committed against Ridgewood as well as against Mr. Sedon. Our elected officials should have authorized whatever legal fees would be needed to pursue the facts and bring the perpetrator to light. It is two years later, but it is still not too late. Draft a resolution or whatever it is you do, and let’s get on with it. Unless there is some reason that someone on the dais does not wish to pursue this???

There are 2 reasons why the Council have drag their feet. One is the longer it goes the harder it is to investigate. Second is they don’t want the public to know the answer. The answer may not fit in their civility matrix. The three amigos should be just a upset as Councilman Sedon and the public because an investigation show Transparency in the council and something similar could be done to them in the upcoming election. So why are they not pursuing this? I will leave it up to the readers to speculate.

This incident will remain an appalling blot on Ridgewood forever whether it is investigated or not, but especially if it is not. I’m still in shock that the truth has not been pursued avidly. Failure to pursue this points a gigantic finger at those in charge. They are failing in their duty to preserve democracy (forget civility) while making it clear that they are implicit. Developments should be on the front page routinely as they are for the theft of our quarters–which morally and as an insult to the electoral process was LESS bad.
