the staff of the Ridgewood blog
New York NY, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey record-setting use of its facilities and with major redevelopment projects underway across the region, the Port Authority today advanced to its Board of Commissioners a proposal for the first inflation-based toll increases to the agency’s six bridges and tunnels since 2015 in line with the inflation-adjusted schedule mandated by the Board in 2008 and reaffirmed in 2011. The automatic increases are triggered when the cumulative impact of inflation on existing toll rates reaches $1.00, as measured from the last increase. The cumulative impact of inflation since 2015 will reach this level in 2020, prompting an increase of the cash toll rate at all Port Authority crossings from $15.00 to $16.00, as of January 5, 2020. The proposal also makes changes to three other aspects of the toll schedule: 1) discounts for out-of-state E-ZPass accounts; 2) the NY/NJ Staten Island Bridges discount program; and 3) the Carpool Discount program.