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Nationwide Beer Project Aims to Promote Changes to State Restrictions and Enhance Craft Beer Fan Experiences in the Garden State

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, to amplify the needs of breweries and their loyal fans across the Garden State, the Brewers Guild of New Jersey today announced the launch of its Brew Jersey beer collaboration project and new website in promotion of the campaign, Brew Jersey is a nationwide open-ended collaborative beer to support the breweries of New Jersey as the industry and its customers continue to contend with state license restrictions imposed in the Summer of 2022. The Guild and its membership are leading the charge to change the current restrictions through the passage of bi-partisan legislation currently pending in both the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly which were the subject of legislative hearings in October 2022.

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We Can All Unite Under Beer : New Breweries Bill to Allow Garden State Brewers Greater Freedom & More Control Over Their Business’ Future

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photo courtesy of Senator Michael Testa

the staff of the Ridgewoo0d blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Michael Testa (R-1) introduced his breweries bill Monday in the State Senate to allow brewers more freedom and control over their small businesses which are growing jobs and opportunity across New Jersey.

Continue reading We Can All Unite Under Beer : New Breweries Bill to Allow Garden State Brewers Greater Freedom & More Control Over Their Business’ Future