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Daniel Fishbein, Ed.D.,Superintendent of the Ridgewood Public Schools : Our Pledge for Tomorrow


Over the course of my tenure in the Ridgewood Public Schools, school safety has been the focus of several of my columns and numerous letters to parents. In recent years, I have outlined why we conduct school security drills, what measures we have taken to increase school security, and how our police practice “live” fire drills within our schools when students are not present. My thoughts returned to this critical issue after witnessing the powerful performance of “26 Pebbles” presented by the Ridgewood High School New Players this December. The one-act play tells the tragic story of the mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in which a young man with mental health issues senselessly took the lives of 20 children and six educators before killing himself. The students’ portrayal of issues surrounding this horrific event was incredible and brought to light the underlying fears they silently carry every day. During the same week that we presented “26 Pebbles” and recognized the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, the media was flooded with news about another unfathomable shooting in Jersey City.

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