They say it takes a village, right? The support that our village gave us and is still giving, during our sons injury has been amazing!
That Tuesday and the days that followed were one of the scariest times in our lives. The support , love and comfort that the Ridgewood village extended our way was heart warming and greatly appreciated. Whether you sent us an email, text, phone call, a meal, cards, gifts, words of love, sent prayers, gave us a hug, took the girls, and so much more, you will never know how much it all meant to us.
Jack is coming along but has months of recovery ahead, so continue to send those prayers his way. He too is amazed by the support we received and thanks you too! We are truly grateful to live in such a wonderful town and have the support of so many.
Thank you to everyone who came to our aid , it was truly appreciated and we thank you form the bottom of our hearts! xoxo Nancy and Tom , Thomas , Brett, Laurel, Kailey and of course JACK!