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“Rain Tax” ,how about going after wrongdoers ?

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photo by Derek Michalski

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Derek Michalski of GreenUSR : Here is my official statement to the press after yesterday’s visit from reporters from NJ media and Sierra Club Director Jeff Tittel. Thank you Jeff for driving all the way from South Jersey to see how stormwater carnage looks in real life. Now it’s time for Governor Murphy to take a drive to Saddle River Valley and see for himself how irrational is the idea of imposing “Rain Tax” a/k/a “Storm Water Pollution Tax” on ALL of commercial property owners instead going after wrongdoers like Toll Brothers that let construction mud allegedly containing lead and arsenic directly into public storm drains and my Pleasant Brook (main feature of GreenUSR). In addition Assemblywoman Lisa Swain, Holly Schepisi and County Executive Jim Tedesco have been shown the evidence below dozens of times so I don’t think there is a person left in New Jersey who haven’t see how Toll Brothers dewaters its construction sites.

2 thoughts on ““Rain Tax” ,how about going after wrongdoers ?

  1. Diabolic..insult to all human and animal life..

  2. imbeciles aka people never forget to vote because you all deserve a Slave owners like law makers/politcians and SS Nazis aka Cops. People you deserve no freedom nor safety. Enjoy your misery. People who vote no matter for which side are imbeciles

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