“I, too, think we should definitely vote NO on the budget. They are just throwing money away. However, in the past we have rarely voted NO and when we did, the Council felt sorry for them and cut out almost nothing. The budget has now reached an unbelievable total so I would hope they can cut more than just “a few thousand”. Cut the frills and leave in anything that is clearly a positive educational function. We don’t need to have every Superintendent’s Aide have an aide and that Aide have yet another Aide. We currently seem to have a system over filled with Administration and not geared to the students at all. You are right when you say the parents don’t dare complain for fear their children will receive some form of retaliation. That is standard to all schools. However, the teachers bear a huge burden in not snapping at the parents who believe that “their child can do no wrong.” My favorite comment came from a kindergartner who refused to follow any rules. He finally got angry and used several rather extreme cuss words. His mother was called and she asked “Well, what did you do to——- to make him angry?” Our daughter -in-law got taken to court by a parent because she had been unable to force a child to take something home which was then thrown out. It suddenly became extremely valuable . Fortunately the Judge literally laughed it out of Court. Teachers are expected to teach an interesting class while ignoring the potential distractions going on. So it is usually our School Board causing problems. “
These trustees no longer represent students or taxpayers
Time to clean house
Looks like a job for Marty Brooks
While a no vote really doesn’t accomplish anything – they’ll still get all of the money they’re asking for – it does send a message. I’ll be voting no.
Lots of old baggage. And they want to re-open Glen for BoE use? Nah, time for new ideas than the SOS.
This blog can’t get out a winning “no” vote against the BOE budget in its dreams. Look at how many votes the REA & NJEA stuffed in to this blog when it ran a poll on quality of Ridgewood schools!!!! About 2X the voting population of Ridgewood voter in favor… REA and NJEA to Ridgewood taxpayers and voters: “Pay up bitches!”
yes ask Marty Brooks
I’m voting no for sure.
Brogan and her crew have worn out their welcome – clean house. Show our disapproval