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Reader says Maple Park was not “renovated.” It was strip-mined and destroyed


Reader says Maple Park was not “renovated.” It was strip-mined and destroyed

Maple Park was not “renovated.” It was strip-mined and destroyed. Nobody walking into it for the first time would describe it as a “park” any more. It is no longer available or of interest to most taxpayers. Therefore, we should not have to pay one cent for it. In fact, the turf there was undoubtedly partly responsible for the recent flooding (again) of the community garden, making all that lovely produce, just becoming perfectly ripe, too dangerous to eat.

10 thoughts on “Reader says Maple Park was not “renovated.” It was strip-mined and destroyed

  1. That is an absurd point of view in my opinion. I recall way back and this field was not used by hardly anybody at all. Initially when it come to the town from having been a corn field it was hardly used at all and over time the need for more fields due the increased number of organized sports games it developed into being used. The turf only made it much more usable by many more teams and higher volume of usage that cannot be supported by real grass. I like real grass the most too, but the fact is our real grass fields just don’t stand up to a lot of use. The turf makes less fields go further and much safer.

  2. Artificial turf might as well be macadam just like streets and driveways.

  3. #1–accurate and reasonable post.
    #2–I assume you have never played a sport in your life. Yeah, turf is harder than grass. For sports like soccer and lax (played all over the country on turf) the benefits outweigh the negatives.

  4. The Maple Park was used by wildlife; it is abhorrent , inhumane and cruel to the utmost to take away the home of insects and animals.

    Keep doing it football players and eat each other, because there won’t be any more food or air.

    Pave the whole earth with artificial turf. Remember that movie, by Spielberg, when earth becomes unlivable because of people like you.


    Read the claims of the artificial turf manufacturers. The turf prohibits all wildlife and organic matter.

    Is that the world you want. You’re gettin it guys. Keep up the good work.

  5. Moderate my comment Foytlin? Why not instead try to moderate the destroyers of life on earth!!!!!!!

    1. lol no internet on the subway

  6. #1 – The church league played softball at Maple on Sundays…once it was turfed we were sent elsewhere.

    #2 – I’m willing to bet you played sports contracy to what #3 says (I’ll get to him next) and I agree with you that some turf surfaces are rock hard. I guess it’s important to keep replacing the crushed black rubber pellets every time they wash down the creek.

    #3 – Are you Turf King …?

    Abdoo for Council

  7. Children in that neighborhood adored their little park. When the trees were cut down they CRIED.

  8. At what point does the Bearded Wonder surrender his field assigning duties…?

    Its been like 20 years already.

    Adboo for Council !

  9. Turf West Ridgewood Ave this way he can look at when he walks out the door.

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