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Reader says this obsession with tagging specific people with specific posts only reinforces the need for PJ to maintain the policy of permitting residents to post anonymously


This obsession on the part of the Three Amigos and their supporters with tagging specific people with specific posts perceived as being critical to the regime is getting old and only reinforces the continuing need for PJ to maintain the policy of permitting residents to post anonymously within the bounds of propriety. To hear their arbitrary detractors tell the tale, nothing Mr. Sedon or Ms. Knudsen might wish to raise as an issue could ever resonate with the electorate, much less prompt a member of the public to chime in with praise for them at This is utter nonsense, of course, because we have two real gems in Knudsen and Sedon, each for their own unique set of fine characteristics and true qualifications. They are striving for and achieving real non-partisan transparency in local government, a sisyphian task if there ever was one. Or perhaps herculean? given the large amounts of manure being generated every week in our version of the Augean Stables.

6 thoughts on “Reader says this obsession with tagging specific people with specific posts only reinforces the need for PJ to maintain the policy of permitting residents to post anonymously

  1. I suggest that at the very least anonymous posters should be know to JJ to allow him to block their posts if they are inappropriate — legally.

  2. He can block inappropriate posts without knowing who posted them. What difference would it make if he knew who they were?

  3. he blocks post regularly and often.

  4. to bad it’s a blog. why the mayor or council would like to know who knows all this stuff. o I mean dirt

  5. they hate it because in the past they had 100% of control of the local press, not any more with the wide world web. and thats just to bad. way two much bull shit is going on in town. scam after scam. I would love two know who breeds these people. is there a place to go and learn how to screw people in the work force or just in life. I just don’t get it. some of the council top managers are just in a fog. they should not be in a job like they are. we have some top people in places that they have no idea what the hell they are doing. it is time to wake up the tax people of the village.

  6. The mayor and his two side kicks are among the most frequent anonymous posters, don’t kid yourself

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