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Ridgewood repairs artificial turf fields after costly flooding


photo by Boyd Loving

Ridgewood repairs artificial turf fields after costly flooding

AUGUST 8, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014, 1:21 AM

RIDGEWOOD — Thousands of dollars are being spent this week to repair the village’s turf fields, which were damaged late last week when heavy rain caused flash flooding.

The artificial turf field at the village’s Maple Park suffered $48,000 in damage, Ridgewood officials said at a council meeting this week.

Workers began cleaning silt and dirt from the turf surface at Ridgewood High School on Thursday; some resultant wrinkles in the field will also be removed.

Flood damage will also be repaired at nearby Stevens Field, which is also owned by the school district.

Earlier this week, Ridgewood school officials allocated an emergency expenditure of $119,865 for the work.

It is expected the school fields will be usable within two weeks, when the school’s soccer and football teams are set to start practices.

– See more at:

7 thoughts on “Ridgewood repairs artificial turf fields after costly flooding

  1. Let’s see…Graduation 2011 storm, Hurricane Sandy, last week’s deluge…I seem to be missing one other flooding event…..add the $$ together and we’re close to a half million bucks….

  2. Thee field was put in during summer 2010. We’ve had floods worth remembering on:

    – October 1, 2010 (there was wrinkling of the carpet then and in all the other events below)
    – March 8, 2011
    – April 17, 2011
    – Jun 23, 2011 (graduation)
    – August 29, 2011 (Irene)
    -August 1, 2014

    Sandy didn’t cause a lot of flooding. It was more of a wind event

    We’ve had minor flooding many other times, but not to the scale above

  3. Wow, good work #1…

    6 storms in 4 short years…so much for the 100-year storm hooey.

    Do you have the repairs costs as well…?

    Mother Nature keeps mastering the Master Plan.

  4. Well two BOED trustees are running unopposed. So its the same old song. Was there even any publication that the elections were coming up and any potential candidate can pick their packets up at the BOED. Snuck that one through.

    1. none that I am aware of

  5. what a big waste of money. good thinking up top. lay off workers to pay for fake grass, don’t forget the mill to pay for the fake shit. yes it looks nice but the money.and when is it going to stop. wake up.

  6. We can’t deny St. Charles his world class training facility for Wing T camp. Let’s piss away 150k a year for Chuck. And do it for the kids.

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