the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Democrat enslavers withheld the information of the emancipation from the enslaved .In the spring of 1865, Union General Granger’s arrival in Galveston that June signaled freedom for Texas’s 250,000 enslaved people from the Democrats .
Gov. Phil Murphy signed a measure in September 2020 designating the third Friday each June as a state and public holiday. In June 2021, President Joe Biden signed a measure designating June 19 as a federal holiday. https://www.nj.gov/nj/about/facts/holidays/
For the second year, Juneteenth Day is observed on the third Friday in June as a State and public holiday. Juneteenth commemorates June 19th, 1865, when enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas learned of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation and of their freedom.
In Texas, slavery had continued as the state experienced no large-scale fighting or significant presence of Union troops. Many Democrat enslavers from outside the Lone Star State had moved there, as they viewed it as a safe haven for slavery.
After the war came to a close in the spring of 1865, General Granger’s arrival in Galveston that June signaled freedom for Texas’s 250,000 enslaved people. Although emancipation didn’t happen overnight for everyone—in some cases, Democrat enslavers withheld the information until after harvest season—celebrations broke out among newly freed Black people, and Juneteenth was born. That December, slavery in America was formally abolished with the adoption of the 13th Amendment.
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I wonder why it’s not a holiday inn Ridgewood.
The Dias doesn’t support it, and it was completely forgotten
Fake holiday.
I think it’s cool that the USA is promoting propaganda.
Reminds me of when I was growing up in China.
Makes me feel all warm and homey.
Very nostalgic.
I would like to be off for Groundhog Day.
Day after the Super Bowl should be a Federal Holiday
They get a whole month of pandering
now another BS holiday
next year will there be a BLM holiday to celebrate the riots and billions dollars worth of destruction
As always, your garbage political BS promotes misinformation. While it is true that, at that time, Democrats were
more in favor if slavery than Republicans, there were plenty of pro-slavers Republicans.
Furthermore, that relationship changed completely in modern times when the GOP fought the civil rights act, and most racist Democrats in the South switched parties and became Republicans, since they were and remain the home of White Supremacists since the 1969s.
wrong , but nice try ,liberal made up switch ,no such thing ….DEMOCRATS
You’ve convinced me. Next time I’m in 1862, or 1962, I’ll vote republican.
But just for shits n’ giggles, tell me: who do the secessionists, segregationalists, and Klan members vote for TODAY?
Asking for a friend.
dont bother the GOP does not want bigots in the party
The start of this cultural revolution was announced on this blog on July 4, 2020.
Monday is the Federal holiday. Ridgewood schools are closed on Monday. Village Hall will be open for business as usual. A slam in the face to RIdgewood’s African American community,
Oh yea
You fool. It was Confederate slaveowners withholding the news. There’s enough hate being woven into our politics without your having to try and insert more.
Democrats , it is what it is …
On Monday there shall be no commercial use (i.e., property owners can do it, but not paid workers) in residential neighborhoods of any hand or power tools for construction, landscaping, etc.
Enforced by police if you call them. Say an ordinance is being violated and give the address.
A little peace and quiet, briefly, please.
Why the thumbs down? It’s now a federal and state holiday, like it or not.
Shame on the village, if the schools are closed, the village should be closed. And we have many African-American employees throughout the town, this is an insult to them. that they should be added on the list of holidays that the village is closed .now if one of the African-American employees takeoff they would have to use their own accumulated time, and you know, and I know in the end by doing so they will go after the individual because they using too much time. Meanwhile, it’s the employees time that they accumulated, think about that.
Next thing coming will be weekly reparations day
Every Friday they come to your house and take what they like.
This is truly embarrassing.
Land of make believe. Only a war would break us out of our torpor.
Wow, I can’t believe most of these comments. What a hateful bunch of insensitive people. Maybe we shouldn’t celebrate anything. If you don’t understand it, you strike against it. I’ll be though, if your family were slaves, you might actually rally behind Juneteenth. Wake up, jokers. Some people paid the ultimate price by not having their freedom. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Dear pipe smoker – most of these people can’t spell the word – slave.
Celebrate you say? You mean like last nights celebration in Willowbrook, Il. where they celebrated by shooting 21 of their own , with one shot dead?
Maybe we ought to let them celebrate more often ? 🫣
Just sayin’
Now put that some where and smoke it!!!
Unvarnished Truth is often not pretty…
Looking forward to (largely unreported) Black on Black shootings and violence during Juneteenth Celebrations.
its already on the news!!!!!!
Didn’t Lincoln abolish slavery?
High Alert –
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown’s (Caucasian) husband is a descendant of slave owners!!! (Per the Washington Post).
Oh No! Now what? 😱
Juicy or what lol????