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The How hard did aging hit you challenge ,just another big government conspiracy ?

bruce jenner caitlyn jenner1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, we try to avoid these things but is the newest internet craze just another government crafted conspiracy? There have been dozens of these over the years. Remember the cinnamon challenge? The ice bucket challenge? That weird dress where everyone just had to let you know what color they thought it was. Yes, the list goes on and on. For 2019, we are starting out with something called “The How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge.”

“The How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge.” has caught fire on social media as we speak, and no doubt within hours, you are going to see tons of friends, co-workers and relatives taking to Facebook or their social media drug of choice to post before-and-after style pictures of them several years ago versus now. Like most of these challenges, you can look high and low, but you will never figure out just where this started.

The website “Common Sense Conspiracy ” suggests that the Fed’s have started the whole thing.  That’s right, a lot of people think the How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge may have been sanctioned by the US government.

But why you ask? What possibly could be the reason for the government to want to start a movement like this? That’s an easy one. You have most likely watched all the shows, CSI, NCIS  facial recognition is all the rage in the cyber-security world these days. Turn on any of your favorite CSI-style shows and you’ll see FBI or other agencies using cameras everywhere to scan faces and see who is going where in seconds.

The real world is not as easy. Yes, the Fed’s have the technology. Facebook has long identified faces and put them with names, albeit with help from their amazing base of users. No doubt the NSA, FBI, and CIA are using facial recognition more and more as the years go by. However, did you ever think about how these databases get populated?

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