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The Magnificent Failure of www.Healthcare.Gov


The Magnificent Failure of www.Healthcare.Gov

Editorial Note: We hate to..ahem..kick a guy when he’s down, but the launch of ObamaCare online has been such a spectacular fail, we are savoring the opportunity to gloat. Who isn’t tempted in Tea Party ranks to utter, “Told ya so” when we hear people complain about being dropped from their health insurance company? I mean, really, who saw this coming? They called us crazy. Well, who’s crazy now?

Here’s a good gloat from Gary North – The Tea Party Economist, October 28, 2013

In what is one of the greatest examples of crony capitalism of my adult life, the main company that produced the incomparable failure known as turns out to have gained its share of the $678 million contract without facing competitive bids. That’s right. There were other companies that submitted bids, but those bids were not considered, or so initial reports indicate. Why no bids? We are not told.

This kind of thing goes on all the time, but usually it is never discovered. But the website was rolled out as the prime example of President Obama’s signature program, which bears his name unofficially: ObamaCare. This program was going to be the deliverance long awaited for by 15 million Americans who did not have healthcare coverage.

It went online, and it was dead on arrival: a corpse of government medicine. It died so spectacularly that it became front-page news around the world. It is such a total failure that there is a kind of magnificence about it. Millions of people tried to get in. Millions of people could not get in.

Now Congress is conducting an investigation of how this happened, and it turns out, that it happened because it was a sweetheart deal from the get-go.

The man who is in charge of the company became an Obama supporter in 2012, I can hardly blame him. His ship came in.

Unfortunately, the ship has just sunk in full public view. It is like the capsized cruise ship on its side off the coast of an Italian island in 2012. The site is there, dead in the water, for the whole world to see.

More of the story here:

5 thoughts on “The Magnificent Failure of www.Healthcare.Gov

  1. Rule #1 of crony capitalism: if you are going to award business to your friends, make sure they can do the job.

    Right Mr. Cheney?

  2. Nice try, Rob. This isn’t about too many politicians engaging in crony capitalism — you libs always trying to misdirect people, it’s pretty funny.

    This is about the facts: that (1) Obama Lied; (2) Obama is an incompetent chief executive/manager (this is not the first thing he has allegedly known nothing about or has been kept in the dark about); (3) his people running the healthcare website are incompetent; and (4) you idiots who voted for the man (some of you twice) are getting what you deserved (with my apologies to those who did not vote for him and are getting screwed through no fault of your own).

  3. yes what a fuckin mess.

  4. Did they take that girl’s picture down from the website ?
    I wonder if she didn’t want to be “the face” of such an unmitigated disaster.

  5. Rob:

    Rule #1 of crony capitalism: if you are going to award business to your friends, make sure they can do the job.
    Right Mr. Cheney?

    Yeah go ahead, Blame bush and cheney for this Obamacare disaster. #1 Rule for you democrats-its better to be thought of as stupid than open your mouth *or press the keyboard* to confirm it!

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