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Tractor trailer tangles with rotted tree in Ridgewood


Photo credit: Boyd A. Loving
Tractor trailer tangles with rotted tree in Ridgewood
January 16,2014
Boyd A. Loving
4:04 PM


Ridgewood NJ, A rotted tree fell on a tractor trailer in front of 594 Spring Avenue, Ridgewood early Thursday afternoon resulting in the loss of cable television service to the home’s occupants, and the closure Spring Avenue between Kenilworth Road and South Pleasant Avenue for approximately 2 hours while crews worked to free the truck and remove debris.  The truck driver was uninjured when the tree fell.  The large truck wound up on the ordinarily quiet residential street due to a posted detour on nearby East Ridgewood Avenue because of an on-going PSE&G pole replacement project.  Village of Ridgewood Shade Tree Department personnel used a bucket truck and chain saws to facilitate removal of the tree’s branches and trunk.  The truck was able to drive away on its own power after the tree was removed.  Damage to the vehicle appeared to be centered on the tractor’s wind deflector.  It is believed that the tree was hit by the truck’s trailer, causing it to fall.




Photo credit: Boyd A. Loving


6 thoughts on “Tractor trailer tangles with rotted tree in Ridgewood

  1. There are a good amount of rotted trees in town that home owners do not take care of, just pick your street.

  2. This was a Village owned tree.

  3. May be a village owned tree but i suggest in driving through out the village that you take a look at trees on home owners properties that are rotted and over hanging our roadways.

  4. All this PSEG work is taking a toll. An agitated man was racing down Spring trying to make time (why?) after the detour. He passed cars that were observing the 25mph speed limit.

    Take the police off Ridgewood Ave and have them monitor the detour streets.

  5. pse and g are a pain in the ass.

  6. the village must be years behind in tree pruning. they only have 3 workers on that crew. I do know the town put out a bid and downs was the lowest of all of them. and at that number it was real high. so in the end it is cheeper for the village to do the work.and all 3 workers are new. all the old crew retired . thank god we did not have a big storm.

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