file photo by Boyd LOving
May 1st 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The progress Ridgewood group has an ad in the paper saying those are the 3 that will be at the candidates forum at Park West Loft on May 2nd. You can only go, if you signed the pledge, so i guess that means they signed it. Nice to know that 3 ( Janice M. Willett, Evan Weitz,and Richard S. Brooks )of the candidates have already decided to be exclusionary, and not listen to others that may have a different opinion then them.
At the candidates debate, all 6 candidates said the current council has been too divisive. Some of the language from the 3 that signed the pledge said “all groups need to be included and involved”, “the council works for everybody. Everybody needs to be informed”, “lead by example”, “public discourse needs to be lifter to a higher level”, “inclusiveness, solutions, and a united approach to figuring out where we’re going, and how to get there”.
3 amigos or Council majority
Nice to know that the 3 have already shown us that their words don’t mean much, since their actions have proven to be the opposite.
If you want your village government to be exclusionary, then you know who to vote for.
If you want your village government to be individually thinking people, with varying backgrounds, who are willing to discuss the issues with anyone, you need to vote for Voigt, Hache and Walsh.
It looks like the three stooges (Brooks – Willett – Weitz) are vying to replace the three amigos.
Don’t waste your time on these three…it will be (monkey) business as usual.
Vote for the three musketeers (Voigt – Hache -Walsh).
RIDGEWOOD RESIDENTS FIRST. Now that’s a campaign slogan.
We already have “dumb”, now Brooks, Willets and Weitz want us to have “dumber”
We already have horrible. Let’s not replace with the same three horrible.
VOIGT HACHE WALSH the way to GO ! ! !
Willet seems to me as the biggest disappointment for someone that pretty much grew up in the village. Perhaps she is just bored with no one at home anymore.
If I get my wish
Hache, Voigt and Walsh will win
Then we can go back
To being normal citizens again
No more letters and petitions to sign
The new council will set us free
We can stay at home and do family stuff
Knowing our village will be handled respectfully!
The check has come due for 3 years of unmitigated arrogance.
Repudiation !