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Will Phil Murphy be a union yes-man?


By Star-Ledger Editorial Board

New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation, a crushing burden to middle-class families and indisputably the top concern of voters.

It’s a problem that can’t be solved until we contain the salaries and benefits of public workers. That is not a liberal view, or a conservative view. It is about the math. And it’s up to the next governor to face it.

The first test is coming soon, when a law setting a 2 percent cap on salary increases for police and firefighters in arbitration settlements is set to expire in December. The Republican candidate, Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, wants to renew the cap. But the front-runner, Democrat Phil Murphy, is keeping his options open.

2 thoughts on “Will Phil Murphy be a union yes-man?

  1. Well why is it that police and fire can retire with 25 years regardless of age. And others about the workers have to work a lot longer, it’s not right and it’s not fair, why because the police have political payouts, huhhh. Right right. So true

  2. You can retire anytime you want.

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