Are you motivated to start working out but unsure where to start? Do you want to remove those few pounds extra? We have news for you, it’s easier than you think.
In this article, we’ll tell you more about how to create your routine and start working out. With so many exercising options, we’ll show you how to find what works best for your body.
Plus, we’ll also mention the equipment that you need to get and a few tips that will help you create a new healthy habit.
Figure Out What You Like
Since you already have an interest in working out, the next step is to figure out what you want to do. Is there a sport you’ve always loved playing? Do you enjoy yoga and need stretching to relieve back pain, or you’ve always loved running but never started?
In the beginning, you’ll have to try out several things to see what feels best. We recommend using one week to try out 15 minutes of different exercises. Afterward, you’ll have an idea of what you like or dislike.
Don’t forget that even if you start cycling to work, that’s already a new activity that will help you feel better. Or you can take your dog for a long walk and try speed walking. Once you know what you like doing, it’s time to find a place for it.
Set Up Your Space
Should you decide to set up a routine in your home, it’s critical to designate a space for it.
It doesn’t have to be a small gym, as all you need is a yoga mat. With it, you’re defining a space where you’ll go when you need to exercise, stretch, or meditate. You can place your weights or small dumbbells around the mat as you’re building a tiny home gym.
Especially if you have a chaotic living room or bedroom, this separation helps you create a space just for you. On the other hand, if you start running, it might take you awhile to find the best route that won’t be too demanding for a beginner.
Make an Appointment
Even if you have a space for exercise, you’ll drop it after just a few days without a scheduled time for physical activity. Setting an appointment in your calendar creates a mental space where you can plan your day all you want, but you have to do some exercise at a designated time.
It might be just a light stretch or a few pushups, as long as you’re consistent, it will pay off. Any workout app will send you reminders to make sure you don’t forget your training session.
You can also invite a friend to join you on Zoom, and you can exercise together. Shared training is a strong incentive for most people to spend some time with their friends and exercise.
Time Management
Making an exercise plan is crucial for figuring out how much time you have for physical activity. Is it 10, 15, or 20 minutes, or want to spend at least an hour working out? Any beginner should start with simple 10-minute exercises and slowly go towards 30 min. If you start with an hour, it might be too much of a shock for your body and muscles.
By going slow and tracking your progress, you’ll get to a point when even 30 minutes is easy, and you’ll want to spend more time working out.
Workout Clothes
Your work apparel can be simple and minimalistic, especially if you’re working out from home. However, the basic equipment is leggings from fintys.com.au/fitness/hot-yoga-pants-women/, a top, and a comfy t-shirt.
While you need sneakers if you’re going to the gym, you can do everything barefoot at home. Of course, if you’re planning to run or go for long walks, you should have a good pair of running sneakers.
You don’t have to splurge on them, but rather find a comfortable pair that will help you feel stable. If you plan to exercise outside, you should get a warm hoodie and a jacket for chilly winter days.
When you start exercising, keep in mind that the first two weeks might be a bit uncomfortable as you’ll have to deal with sore muscles. Soon enough, your body will adapt to working out, and the thing will get easier.
If you’re consistent, you’ll find out how you can do unimaginable things and feel better about yourself. And that’s what matters most.