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AAA: Drivers’ Education Classes Reduces Teen Crash Rates by 4.3% and Lowers the Number of Traffic Tickets Received by Nearly 40%

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, our friends at SmartFinancial compiled statistics to see who takes drivers education classes and if they prevent accidents. “You can you expect a 5 to 20% discount on car insurance for taking a drivers ed course,” says Michael Orefice, SVP of Operations at SmartFinancial. “You will also be less likely to be involved in a car accident.”

SmartFinancial is a technology company on a mission to simplify the insurance-buying experience with a transparent insurance-technology platform that matches shoppers with the right insurance carrier products. We use our technology, our licensed agents and our insurance expertise to make the entire process simpler and more efficient for our users.

Studies from the 1980s found that driver’s ed did little to prepare new drivers for accidents but new findings prove the opposite:

62% of drivers had taken a driver’s education course before getting a driver’s license.
The ratio of males to females was equal in driver’s education classes.
African-Americans and Hispanics were less likely to have taken a course than were Whites and Non-Hispanics, respectively.
Fewer years of formal education or lower household income also corresponded with a greater likelihood of not taking a driver’s education course.
Among drivers who had taken a driver’s education course, 77% had taken a course in school.
3% of drivers had taken a driver’s education course from an unknown source.
The youngest drivers were most likely of all age groups to have taken a course provided by a private company (38%).
According to AAA, drivers’ education reduces teen crash rates by 4.3% and lowers the number of traffic tickets received by nearly 40%.
Young drivers who have not completed driver’s education are 24% more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident and 16% more likely to have an accident.
2.1% of the driver’s education group was involved in an accident that caused injury or death, compared to 2.6% of those who did not take driver’s education.
11.1% of the driver’s education cohort was involved in a car crash, compared to 12.9% of those who did not take driver’s education.
10.4% of students who took driver’s education were ticketed for moving traffic violations, compared to 18.3% of those who did not take driver’s education.
Teens that completed driver education scored higher on the driving exam and demonstrated greater knowledge over teens who did not take driver’s ed.

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