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Board of Education Decides Turf is “Settled Science” Votes 5-0 to Re-turf flood Plain at Ridgewood High School


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, last night the Ridgewood Board of Education voted tonight 5 to 0 to replace the artificial turf at RHS with the same rubber based turf that was installed in 2011 by the same company, Field Turf USA.

There was a small discussion in which Dr. Fishbein never mentioned that the field is in an active flood plain and because of that factor needs to be replaced earlier than  anticipated by the promotional material. There was no mention of the recent Maple Field installation using “geofill” and no mention that because the field abuts a brook, the crumb rubber infill ends up in the brooks and streams .

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Reader says , “Ridgewood Schools Fail to Develop Male Students of High Academic Potential “


“The Ridgewood district has also chronically failed to adequately encourage and adequately develop students who early on demonstrate extremely very high academic potential, but also who have moderate emotional or behavioral challenges and/or ADHD, or who happen to be male. (Oops–was only thinking that last part, didn’t mean to blurt it out. How rude to admit the hard and naked truth of Nothern New Jersey public schools in 2019.)

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$111 million Ridgewood School Budget Vote Today


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, decision time ,today is the vote on the 2019-2020 $111 million school budget , Your vote on Tuesday, April 16 will help determine the funding for the Ridgewood school district’s programs, staffing and facilities maintenance expenditures for the upcoming school year. Schools will be closed for students and staff but polls will be open from 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

The Ridgewood Board of Education has approved an enormous $111.6 million budget .

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Reader says Ridgewood BOE Needs to regain Public Trust

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” Ridgewood school district is great, but recent increases in Budget driven by employee medical benefits and special ed. Meanwhile school rankings are dropping compared to competitors.
I know very little about educating kids except that it’s an extremely tough job. However I do know quite a bit about budgeting. It’s imperative to always question how $ is spent, otherwise it will be spent with less care than warranted. Voting no therefore makes sense in this case, as the board did not address concerns posed above.
Many parents defend the educators by questioning the no vote, but this is not a educators vs parents story. Rather it’s an action point for BoE to regain public trust by acknowledging raised issues and proposing solutions. I doubt there’s a resident who wishes bad upon our great educators, so let’s not confuse the issues. “

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Ridgewood Crew Champions Celebrate Two Weeks in a Row


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, After a cold and rainy March, the Ridgewood Crew
Team is excited to be back on the water! Training hard at this spring’s temporary docks in Bergen County’s Overpeck Park has proved beneficial for the athletes. Special thanks to Don Bosco for welcoming our rowers at their facility.

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New Jersey Coalition for Diverse and Inclusive Schools Proposes”School Choice”

School Choice by ArtChick

file photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  according to a report from the Ridgewood Board of Education , last May, the New Jersey Coalition for Diverse and Inclusive Schools sued New Jersey to desegregate our public schools.  Gary Stein, former NJ Supreme Court Justice, chairs this group.

Since the suit, the Coalition and the state have been in settlement talks. Eleven months later, the Coalition is frustrated by the lack of progress and is ready to go back to court.  They allege that the state’s school residency requirements are unconstitutional because these regulations lead to school segregation.

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NJ Senate Republicans Announce “Every Child Counts” School Funding Reform Plan


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Joined by Superintendents, Education Advocates in Support of Plan to Lower Property Taxes, Improve the Quality of Education in Classrooms, and Protect Our Most Vulnerable Children

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean and members of the Senate Republican caucus announced the “Every Child Counts” school funding reform plan at a State House press conference today.

The package of legislation is designed to boost State support for special education, increase equity and accuracy of school aid allocations, and eliminate opportunities for school districts and municipalities to game the funding formula.

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31st Annual Super Science Saturday Today at 9am !

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, The 31st edition of the LARGEST SCIENCE EXPERIENCE in North Jersey welcomes all ages and abilities. In addition to Rocket launches, Drones Races, Petting Zoos, 3D Printing, Egg Drops and a show by the LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER, we’ve got a brand new lineup of exciting presenters from Large Robots to Aeronautic Engineering!

Admission is FREE thanks to support from the Ridgewood Education Foundation and Valley Health System.

9am today at Ridgewood High School  , Ridgewood, NJ

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Reader says , “schools no longer split children according to their ability. That means the faster learners can sit, bored for days”


” As I have commented before, Ridgewood schools attract people from all over the country, esp. autistic students. My new neighbor from Alabama told me that they came here after seeing on the computer that Ridgewood had an excellent program for Autistic children. I know of 2 others who moved into our neighborhood for the same reason. I am sure there are others as we have a good number of school buses coming onto the block. The main problem is that our schools are forced to spend so much money on disabled children that they have had to cut back on so much that made our schools great in the past. But even a bigger problem than that is the schools no longer split children according to their ability. That means the faster learners can sit, bored for days, until the others catch up. (Several mothers told me that this is why they finally sent their children to private schools.) The school system no longer offers Gifted and Talented programs. Basically our educational system tends toward the medium student and this automatically will cause our schools to be lowered in any academic ratings. I have no idea as to a solution for this but as long as this is the way our schools are tending we will continually decline in academic stature. “

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Reader says ,”the $110 million BOE budget implies $73,333 in budget per student per year”

Ridgewood Police at RHS

file photo by Boyd Loving

” Ridgewood parents and taxpayers deserve world class administrators who can provide inspirational leadership for those 500 staff, 1,500 students and ten buildings. Think about this as well: the $110 million BOE budget implies $73,333 in budget per student per year. And yet how little of that actually goes towards educating our children for the challenges they will face as they go out and take on the world? You REA thugs have perverted what was once a “Tradition of Excellence.” You seem to think your mere presence means excellence, when in fact it takes creative, inspirational leadership and hard work.”

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Prospective Ridgewood Board of Education Candidate Information

Vote Ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Board Election Information for candidate petitions are available at the office of the Board Secretary, 49 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, NJ between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Completed petitions must be submitted to the Board Secretary. The deadline for candidates to submit their nominating petitions is Monday, February 25th at 4:00 p.m.

You would need at least ten signatures and your signature may count as one of the ten.You must file your petition with my office by 4pm on February 25th.

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Ridgewood Public Schools Annual School Board and Budget Vote


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The 2019-2020 Ridgewood Public Schools budget will be voted on by registered voters in the Annual School Election on Tuesday, April 16. 

The following links go directly to pages on the Bergen County website.

How to:

Register to vote
The registration deadline is 21 days before an election. The deadline for registering to vote in the Annual School Election (April 16) is Tuesday, March 26.

Vote by mail
A registered voter may apply for a Mail-in Ballot by mail up to seven days prior to the election, or apply in person until 3 p.m. on the day before the election. Mail-in Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day and received no later than 48 hours after polls close, or returned in person before the close of polls on Election Day. The deadline to apply by mail for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the Annual School Election (April 16) is Tuesday, April 9. The deadline to apply in person at the County Clerk’s Office for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the Annual School Election is Monday, April 15 at 3 p.m.

FAQs on voting
Answers to general questions on registering to vote and voting

Please note: The office of the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections is the primary source for full information on voting and elections. Please consult the Bergen County website for more information at

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The 2019-2020 Ridgewood Public Schools budget vote Tuesday, April 16,2019

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ridgewood NJ, The 2019-2020 Ridgewood Public Schools budget will be voted on by registered voters in the Annual School Election on Tuesday, April 16.

The following links go directly to pages on the Bergen County website.

How to:

Register to vote
The registration deadline is 21 days before an election. The deadline for registering to vote in the Annual School Election (April 16) is Tuesday, March 26.

Vote by mail
A registered voter may apply for a Mail-in Ballot by mail up to seven days prior to the election, or apply in person until 3 p.m. on the day before the election. Mail-in Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day and received no later than 48 hours after polls close, or returned in person before the close of polls on Election Day. The deadline to apply by mail for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the Annual School Election (April 16) is Tuesday, April 9. The deadline to apply in person at the County Clerk’s Office for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the Annual School Election is Monday, April 15 at 3 p.m.

FAQs on voting
Answers to general questions on registering to vote and voting

Please note: The office of the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections is the primary source for full information on voting and elections. Please consult the Bergen County website for more information at

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Ridgewood High School to Honor Charlotte Samuels, the youngest swimmer to complete open-water swimming’s Triple Crown


Ridgewood High School to Honor Charlotte Samuels, the youngest swimmer to complete open-water swimming’s Triple Crown

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood High School Junior Charlotte Samuels, the youngest swimmer to complete open-water swimming’s Triple Crown, will be honored by the high school for her accomplishment.

The brief (five-minute) ceremony will take place on RHS Stadium Field on Thursday, October 2 at 6:45 p.m., in advance of the Boys Varsity Football game against John F. Kennedy High School.

In July, Samuels, age 16, circumvented the Island of Manhattan, then went on to swim the Catalina Channel off the coast of California in August, and has now completed the 20-hour swim across the English Channel, landing on the French shore in September.

Ms. Samuels is also a member of the RHS swim team

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