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U.S. High-School Students Slip in Global Rankings

U.S. High-School Students Slip in Global Rankings
By Stephanie Banchero
Updated Dec. 3, 2013 7:12 a.m. ET

U.S. 15-year-olds made no progress on recent international achievement exams and fell further in the rankings, reviving a debate about America’s ability to compete in a global economy.

The results from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which are being released on Tuesday, show that teenagers in the U.S. slipped from 25th to 31st in math since 2009; from 20th to 24th in science; and from 11th to 21st in reading, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, which gathers and analyzes the data in the U.S.

U.S. 15-year-olds made no progress on recent international achievement exams and fell further in the rankings, reviving a debate about America’s ability to compete in a global economy. Stephanie Banchero reports. Photo: Dominick Reuter for The Wall Street Journal.

The PISA is administered every three years by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. A representative sample of about 510,000 students took the exam in 65 countries and locales, representing 80% of the world economy.

U.S. scores have been basically flat since the exams were first given in the early 2000s. They hover at the average for countries in the OECD except in math, where American students are behind the curve. Meanwhile, some areas—Poland and Ireland, for example—improved and moved ahead of the U.S., while the Chinese city of Shanghai, Singapore and Japan posted significantly higher scores.

The stagnant U.S. results are certain to spark more hand-wringing by politicians, business leaders and policy makers concerned that American students are not keeping pace with counterparts in other countries.

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Ridgewood Schools in a PR offensive

cottage place

Ridgewood Schools in a PR offensive 
October 3, 2012
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Schools took a bit of heat in early September with the NJ Monthly survey showing Ridgewood High School drooped a whooping 8 places in their school ranking .

With in days Ridgewood Superintendent Daniel Fishbein gave a brief overview of comparative data from the recent NJ Monthly high school rankings. According to Dr.Fishbein Ridgewood High School (RHS) performed as well as, or better than, surrounding schools in Bergen County that were ranked higher by the magazine.

Since then Ridgewood Schools have continued to garner media attention :

Greg Wu named 2012-2013 Ashby Award Winner , Ridgewood NJ, The 2012 winner of the coveted Ashby Award is Greg Wu, Assistant Principal/Grade Administrator at Benjamin Franklin Middle School

Willard is Named a National Blue Ribbon School ,September 11, 2012 ,Ridgewood NJ – Willard Elementary School has been named a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education. The announcement was made last week by the U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Willard is one of only 269 schools in the nation to receive the award. Willard earned the Blue Ribbon designation for its overall academic excellence, in the category of “Exemplary High Performing.”

Ridgewood Board of Ed won’t commit to a zero percent tax increase ,Wednesday September 12, 2012, 3:49 PM ,BY LAURA HERZOG,
The Ridgewood News. A zero percent tax increase will be considered, but will not be a firm goal for the 2013-2014 school year budget.

RHS ATHLETIC TRAINER NICK NICHOLAIDES TO APPEAR ON THE ‘KATIE’ SHOW,RHS Athletic Trainer Nick Nicholaides, whose video on concussion awareness is garnering national attention, will appear on Katie Courac’s new show, “Katie,” this Friday, September 21 at 3 p.m. on Channel 7 (ABC). Also in the audience will be RHS student athlete Megan Donnelly.

Ridgewood enrollment numbers on the rise MONDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 2012, 10:09 AM,BY LAURA HERZOG,THE RIDGEWOOD NEWS
While school enrollment has substantially declined in many other public school districts, Ridgewood has been gaining students.According to data provided by the Board of Education (BOE), 52 more students are enrolled in Ridgewood this fall than were enrolled last year. The numbers also show that enrollment has steadily been on the rise in Ridgewood for more than 10 years.

Ridgewood High School library upgrade campaign ramped up ,THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2012, 4:44 PM, BY LAURA HERZOG
THE RIDGEWOOD NEWS .The Ridgewood High School (RHS) Home and School Association (HSA) will soon launch an aggressive fall fundraising campaign to pay for the transformation of the RHS library into a space better suited for 21st century learners. The renovation will potentially cost $850,000.

And yesterday we are told DR. FISHBEIN NAMED TOP SUPERINTENDENT IN NORTH JERSEY , 10.02.12: Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Fishbein has been named top superintendent of the state’s northern region by his peer members of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators. Dr. Fishbein is now in the running for the New Jersey Superintendent of the year, which would make him eligible to be voted to the national title.

First Kudos for Willard, Dr Fishbien ,Greg Wu ,and Nick Nicholaides but one is lead to wonder ,what gives with the PR offensive  ? pressure from Charter Schools , worries about the core curricula ? , big tax increase coming ? turf fields in flood zones getting you down ? Teachers prolonged contract discussions left some bad blood or is the BOE looking to buck the 2% cap? Or maybe  Dr Fishbien  is looking for a big raise ?

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The Annual Village home owner flight is upon us



The Annual Village home owner flight is upon us
the Staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ridgewood NJ – So its that time of the year again when  a new generation  of High School  seniors graduates and looks forward to reshaping the world in their own  image . The Future looks bright and there are nothing but an endless horizon of possibilities for as far as the eye can see .

But wait whats this , hundreds of homes for sale in the Village well timed  for sellers to coincidentally  skate just in the nick of time for the diplomas to be passed to the next generation of leaders. Amazing how those moving trucks line up in the driveways  so neatly of so many now former Ridgewood residents their bags packed

Now the empty Nester’s take flight ,yes flight from bills due for turf fields, stadium lights , and assorted other  amenities that’s useful life has now been fulfilled and long term liabilities must be avoided at all cost for over extended families.Leaving those left with ever higher property taxes , declining maintenance, quality of life and lower educational standards .
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