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>Garrett Commends States in Their Fight Against Federal Overreach

>Washington, Mar 25 –

Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives today recognizing the efforts of state legislatures, Attorneys General and citizens to resist the implementation of the health care bill, HR 3590.

“While Congress is given power under the Constitution to regulate interstate commerce, never before have we considered legislation that would require individuals to purchase a private—government approved—product, as the price of citizenship,” Garrett said. “This moves far beyond regulating economic activity, and into the realm of regulating inactivity. If we allow that Congress has this authority under the Constitution, then there is virtually no limit to Washington’s power to micromanage the lives of our citizens.

“I would like to commend those fighting against this massive expansion of government into the private sector. President Obama and others have called this legislation “historic,” and they’re correct. It is “historic” that the federal government would violate the liberties of its citizens. It is “historic” that a political party would use their majority in Congress to override the will of the American people. It is “historic” that the president and Members of Congress, all of whom have taken oaths to uphold the Constitution, would express such disdain and disregard for our country’s founding document. Yes, my friends, this legislation is truly historic.”

The text of Garrett’s resolution is below:


2nd Session


Commending the efforts of state legislatures, Attorneys General and citizens to resist the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


March 25, 2010

Mr. SCOTT GARRETT of New Jersey

Commending the efforts of State legislatures, Attorneys General, and citizens to resist the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Whereas the expanding Federal Government is encroaching on the rights constitutionally reserved for the States and individuals;

Whereas the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act attempts to regulate inactivity rather than an activity of United States’ citizens and the Constitution does not grant the Federal Government the power to regulate inactivity;

Whereas Congress has never before considered, prior to the individual mandate, legislation that would require citizens to purchase a private good;

Whereas if Congress has this authority under the Constitution, there is virtually no limit to its power to micromanage the lives of our citizens;

Whereas the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creates an entirely new Federal entitlement program, while the growing cost of existing Federal entitlement programs are already crippling future generations with mountains of debt;

Whereas the legislatures of more than three-fourths of all the States, including those of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, have proposed legislation reaffirming their 10th Amendment right to rule and govern in areas not specifically delegated to the Federal Government by the Constitution;

Whereas many of the bills proposed by the State legislatures recognize that numerous actions by Congress are weakening States’ rights through legislation like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;

Whereas more than a dozen state Attorneys General, including those from Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,Utah, Virginia, and Washington, have filed or announced their intention to file lawsuits challenging Congress’s authority to force citizens to buy health insurance;

Whereas numerous doctors’ groups, such as New Jersey Physicians Inc., and individuals around the country have or are preparing to file suit against this unconstitutional law; and

Whereas 54 percent of Americans oppose the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and 56 percent of Americans think the Federal Government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) commends the efforts of State legislatures, Attorneys General, and citizens to resist the unconstitutional implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; and

(2) applauds these groups’ endeavors to protect the rights and the interests of American citizens.


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