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Most Voters Don’t Trust Polls

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as the presidential election season enters its final ten weeks, many voters are skeptical of whether public polling accurately reflects the state of the campaign.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 11% of Likely U.S. Voters have a lot of trust in polls of the presidential election race, while 46% have some trust in the polls. However, 31% say they have not much trust in the presidential polls and 10% trust them not at all. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


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5 thoughts on “Most Voters Don’t Trust Polls

  1. Everything is in question after the democrats are involved! Facebook (Mark Z.) Admitting the democrats were involved with censorship and fake news. Also the 2020 election also was not accurate. Deny it all you want it’s true!

    1. Facebook could have said NO, and then used its considerable influence to immediately communicate this to the press and its subscriber base, making any governmental retaliation obvious, but it didn’t. So, this admission is completely meaningless. No different than all the post-COVID confessions about the lockdowns, useless vaxxs, etc. The damage is already done.

      1. Meaningless admission by a weasel who would do the same again in a heartbeat. Who forced him to supply $400 million to the democrats’ in 2021? You just need to look at him to realize there is no way he can be trusted.

  2. great picture 🙂

  3. Google the video of the Google employee meeting after the 2016 election.
    You will see all you need to know about CA big tech.

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