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Ridgewood Annual August Sidewalk Sale Days Thursday, Friday And Saturday; Aug. 5th, 6th And 7th.

Sidewalk Sale Days Aug

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, its that time fr the year again , the August Sidewalk Sale Days!!! Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 5, 6, 7th.

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Grand Opening Of Apricot Lane In Ridgewood- Sept. 21st At Noon

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Apricot Lane Boutique has come to Downtown Ridgewood brought to you by local owners Lucille Coyle & Carrie Turelli. This franchise is the only one in New Jersey and what better place for their flagship store than iconic Ridgewood. Don’t let the fact that it is a franchise fool you; all of the merchandise is handpicked by the owners & staff which guarantees to bring you both the hottest trends in our area and, of course, the classics too.
We buy in small quantities and rarely reorder the same merchandise twice. Why is this important you might ask? Because we can almost guarantee you won’t be wearing the same outfit as all of your friends. Even better, it allows us to bring in new merchandise more frequently. So…if you see it, buy it because it may not be there tomorrow!

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