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Study Finds, NJ Cities Have Among the Worst Financial Advisors in the Country

  • Study of average Google review scores of financial advisors across U.S. cities.
  • The top placed New Jersey city (Newark) still came in a lowly 207th position nationally.
  • Infographic showing the top cities in America for financial advisors. 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, countless Americans entrust financial advisors with their financial well-being and the management of their finances. Interestingly, the choice of a financial advisor is often made through a brief internet search rather than through personal endorsements. This means that millions of Americans could be entrusting their entire financial positions on a person who appeared on a search result, rather than a personal recommendation or other source.

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Global Children Financial Literacy Foundation and the “Wesley Learns Book Club”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, Research suggests that financial literacy has been on the decline in recent years*.

In a test of financial knowledge among young Americans, only around one third can answer even four or five basic financial literacy questions correctly.

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