Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Permitting Operation of Low Speed E-Bikes and Motorized Scooters
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
TRENTON NJ, As Governor Phil Murphy continues working to bolster New Jersey’s innovation economy, he signed legislation today (S731) that outlines regulations governing the use of low speed electric scooters and e-bikes.
The bill calls for motorized scooters and e-bikes capable of traveling 20 miles per hour or slower to be regulated much the same as ordinary bicycles, allowing their operation on streets, highways, and bicycle paths in this State. An operator of a low-speed electric bicycle or motorized scooter is not required to register the scooter or e-bike, furnish proof of insurance, or have a driver’s license. The bill further provides that all statutes, rules, and regulations that apply to ordinary bicycles will apply to low-speed electric bicycles and motorized scooters.
Continue reading Governor Murphy , “Reimagining of Urban Commuting.”