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Reader says the “Civility Roundtable” is clearly contrary to the Faulkner Act



Reader says the “Civility Roundtable” is clearly contrary to the Faulkner Act

Ridgewood residents who value our non-partisan form of government should take a dim view of the “Civility Roundtable” series of quasi-public meetings, at which the innocuous good of ‘getting along’ is the stated goal (i.e., for ‘public consumption’), bu the true goal is for the three Amigos, and particularly our illustrious Mayor, to politicize everything they can get their hands on. As this is clearly contrary to the Faulkner Act, Ridgewood residents should resist these developments on principle, vigorously and without heed to the baldfaced denials and public obloqy that will inevitably be thrown their way.

Enjoy your free speech rights while they last, people. The Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Ayers/Clinton/Cloward/Piven/Alinsky/Aronsohn bell tolls for thee!


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