the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, it is unbelievable that Vagianos and Winograd are doing everything in their power to control the message, squash public comments, ignore the people who they are elected to serve. From censoring (hiding? blocking?) comments on their official Facebook pages, to trying to stop the display of signs at meetings, also cutting off public comments at meetings, stopping (or trying to) residents from naming council members by name, Winograd participating in a highly censored and controlled Facebook group, Vagianos stalling on legal OPRA request fulfillments – the list goes on and on. And Vagianos scolds everyone before public comments even commence – telling them that they have to be civil and so on. That is like yelling at your kids when they have not done anything wrong, just in case they MIGHT do something wrong. We are entitled to FREE AND OPEN speech as long as threats and vulgarity are not part of it. What are they thinking?
Continue reading Ridgewood Mayor and Subordinates Continue to Suppress Public Input