San Beradino CA, the staff of the Ridgewood blog through the miracle of modern technology was able to garner some little reported information about the San Bernadino shooting . For some odd reason the name of the main suspect which was reported on police scanner as Farooq Saeed was being suppressed by the media for some time. Here is what was reported there were 3 heavily armed with body armor PROFESSIONAL SHOOTERS, 14 DEAD 17 WOUNDED at a GOVERNMENT ️(COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT) AGENCY CHRISTMAS PARTY clearly picking the 2nd floor on the building ignoring the 1st floor. The shooters clearly CAME IN WITH A MISSION at this point it is hard to imagine how this can not be a Terrorist event? Later it was reported by the ATF that there was a pipe bomb was found on one of the suspects and they suspect some were in the building . So far one shooter was male one female who were killed during pursuit. The one very odd point is why did they single out the second floor only.
The media seems to be trying to push the “an argument ” at the event caused the shooting ,later the police said could not establish any causality to that. That “argument” caused it seemed patently absurd given all the other evidence . Of coarse denials of international terrorism from unspecified Federal officials are coming in hot and heavy as well as calls for gun control ,oy vey. One person was being detained and it was not immediately clear weather they were male or female or how they are implicated .