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The Philadelphia Experiment

cream cheese scaled

By Charles Stampul

I’ve long said that kids don’t care about toys.  They don’t really care about dolls, balloons, or stocking stuffers.  Not the things themselves, only the emotions and ideas they attach to them.  They can have the same emotions and ideas without the landfall-destined toys.  Now I have evidence.

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Cream Cheese Shortage Hits Bergen County !

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Supply Chain Issues Have Claimed a New Victim , Your Breakfast

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Recently there has been some debate over the reopening of Bagelicious in Ridgewood after an April 2020 fire destroyed the original shop. The Ridgewood blog has received word from sources in New York City that supply chain issues have claimed a new victim , breakfast. Bagel shop owners from New York City to the Carolinas are struggling to find cream cheese and fear the supply shortage could continue leaving bagels high and dry, per The New York Times.

Continue reading Cream Cheese Shortage Hits Bergen County !